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Showing posts from June, 2014


CAUTION: Dear patients, I received this letter on June 16th 2014, it is a serious complaint from the relative of a patient who got, so called, IPT, it’s about the dangers of going to uncertified IPT Physicians. Patient wishes to remain anonymous, all he/she said about the doctor was that he was from Germany. "Dear Dr. Donato:I’m writing on behalf of a relative of mine, who’s been struggling with breast cancer. Knowing the toxic complications and side effects of doing conventional chemo and/or radiation, she searched for alternative treatments and came across “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”. Learning about this treatment the patient was convinced this was the correct choice. Coming across one doctor in Germany who allegedly was trained in I.P.T. accepted her as patient. Knowing she didn’t want chemotherapy or any "toxic" treatment, and putting his own financial needs at top, instead of the well being of his patient, he convinced her that doing high dose...