On today’s topic in the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” we’ll talk about SAFETY and the importance of your awareness when making the decisions. Not just about I.P.T. Physicians, but your safety in general. If life teaches us something, it’s that we don’t have control over many situations in our everyday activities. Life is a constant test with new problems and challenges that require solutions, and solutions require choices. Every morning we wake up, we make a conscious choice to get out of bed, drink tea instead of coffee, wear blue instead of yellow, greet our neighbors or not, put on a seat belt, etc. It’s choice after choice, and each one we make is with the finality of our best interest, or that of someone we care for and love. There’s so much choosing each day we’re no longer aware of this fact, but it’s true. We do what we do, and don’t do, with the purpose of our being well and our better good. In this awareness campaign, the I.P.T Medical Team and Dr. Donato...
Learn the fascinating history behind IPT, it’s founder, Dr. Donato Pérez García Senior and the 3 generations of medical doctors which brought us this amazing alternative treatment for cancer and other illnesses for over 9 decades. Learn fun facts and post your comments. This blogs is for history lovers. Welcome!