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On today’s topic in the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” we’ll talk about SAFETY and the importance of your awareness when making the decisions. Not just about I.P.T. Physicians, but your safety in general. If life teaches us something, it’s that we don’t have control over many situations in our everyday activities. Life is a constant test with new problems and challenges that require solutions, and solutions require choices. Every morning we wake up, we make a conscious choice to get out of bed, drink tea instead of coffee, wear blue instead of yellow, greet our neighbors or not, put on a seat belt, etc. It’s choice after choice, and each one we make is with the finality of our best interest, or that of someone we care for and love. There’s so much choosing each day we’re no longer aware of this fact, but it’s true. We do what we do, and don’t do, with the purpose of our being well and our better good. In this awareness campaign, the I.P.T Medical Team and Dr. Donato...


Today’s topic on the “I.P.T. Certified-M.D. Awareness Week” speaks about respect to a great man that left us a legacy that today has helped and improved the lives of many patients all over the world. The family legacy of 3 generations of devoted doctors, that have struggled and fought very hard to bring forth this medical treatment called Insulin Potentiation Therapy. Each of these 3 generations has had to make great sacrifice and hard work to make this option available to people from around the world. I.P.T. didn’t spread by it self, it’s been decades of devotion and care from these doctors and colleagues, and that must be valued and respected. It has been said that the 4th generation will be the I.P.T. doctors around the globe; this treatment must be shared with other doctors, for the benefit of the patient. But this contribution should be done with respect and honor to the founder and descendant of Donato Pérez García, MD (1896-1971). Sharing the knowledge of I.P.T. doesn’t ...


Put simply, chemotherapy drugs have to get inside cancer cells to kill them. Conventionally, this is achieved by using high doses of these drugs, leading to very undesirable and sometimes even fatal side effects. One of the little known facts about cancer cells is that they make their own insulin in order to obtain glucose-the fuel they need in large amounts as they grow and divide at an abnormally rapid rate. We take advantage of insulin’s action. By giving cancer cells insulin, we prime the membranes to open up. Coordinating this event with the introduction of low-doses of chemotherapy, we get much more of the chemotherapy drugs inside the cancer cells to kill them, leaving healthy cells unharmed. This process allows us to avoid dangerous, undesirable dose-related side effects. Described in technical terms, Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) manipulates the mechanisms of malignancy to therapeutic advantage by employing insulin as a biologic response modifier of ...


LEARN THE FACTS AND MOST FREQUENT QUESTIONS ABOUT I.P.T. VI.    What’s the difference between High/Low Dose Chemo Vs. IPT? VII.   What’s the history behind IPT? VIII. Who can receive IPT? IX.      Why is IPT better than getting traditional chemo? X.       Where can I find more information on IPT and Dr. Donato Pérez García? VI. Traditional High/Low Dose Chemo - Only uses Chemotherapy. -Traditional Chemo, either in high or low dose, will attack healthy cells, as well as cancerous cells. -The patient’s level of toxicity will increase and the side effects will decrease the patient’s quality of life. -Chemo remains in the Extracellular fluid, waiting until cells open up and ingest the anti cancer drugs. -Because traditional chemo attacks good cells as well as cancerous, the body is weak; the immune system is slower, leaving you unprotected from cancer agents spreading. -The ...


LEARN THE FACTS AND MOST FREQUENT QUESTIONS ABOUT I.P.T. I.      What is IPT? II.     How does it work? III.   Scientific explanation IV.   Who administers these treatments? V.     What types of cancer does IPT treat?   I. IPT stands for Insulin Potentiation Therapy, discovered by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia in Mexico City, 1930. It is a patented medical protocol used to treat cancer with less dosage of chemotherapy, using insulin as a natural potentiator that targets only cancer cells, reducing chemotherapy’s toxic side effects, adding natural and biologic medicine to help restore the body’s natural defenses. It has been developed and researched for over 80 years; today it is administered by the grandson of the founder, also named Donato Perez Garcia, M.D. IPT, subsequently developed in Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose (IPTLD), is a treatment that has cur...

Interesting historical facts about Donato Pérez García, M.D. (I) inventor and founder of Insulin Potentiation Therapy (I.P.T)

Donato Pérez García (I)   Did you know that ... * Donato Pérez García Sr. was born over 117 years ago on the day of “Saint Donato”? * The name Donato comes from the latin word “Donatus” meaning he who donates, who gives or grants. * Over 104,750 insulin vials have been use among the three   generations of Donato Pérez García medical doctors. * Dr. Donato (I) joined the Mexican Army during The Mexican Revolution where he served as a medical staff in battles against the army of Gen. Francisco “Pancho” Villa. * He began his medical career on March 15 th 1915 as Commissioner Lieutenant in the Health Service in Mexico City. * Donato Pérez García (I) made himself learn English and French to further his medical career. During that period, most medical books where written in English and French Language, many weren’t yet translated in Spanish. * In 1926, he applied for another exam that promoted him to Major Surgeon in the Army Medical School ...