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VI.   What’s the difference between High/Low Dose Chemo Vs. IPT?
VII.  What’s the history behind IPT?
VIII. Who can receive IPT?
IX.    Why is IPT better than getting traditional chemo?
X.     Where can I find more information on IPT and Dr. Donato Pérez García?


Traditional High/Low Dose Chemo

- Only uses Chemotherapy.

-Traditional Chemo, either in high or low dose, will attack healthy cells, as well as cancerous cells.

-The patient’s level of toxicity will increase and the side effects will decrease the patient’s quality of life.

-Chemo remains in the Extracellular fluid, waiting until cells open up and ingest the anti cancer drugs.

-Because traditional chemo attacks good cells as well as cancerous, the body is weak; the immune system is slower, leaving you unprotected from cancer agents spreading.

-The intervals between Traditional chemotherapy are longer and takes more time for patients to recuperate, extending the length of treatment, and inevitably more expensive in the far future.

- You’ll only get very strong medication, nothing to complement the body’s true healing system.

Insulin Potentiation Targeted Therapy

- Uses human insulin to prepare your body to receive the anti drug medication.

-Because cancer cells contain 6 times more insulin receptors than healthy cells, IPT can target chemotherapy directly and only to cancerous cells, leaving healthy cells in tacked.

- IPT can deliver chemo directly into cancer cells, knowing the precise moment when the body is at its best moment to receive medication.

-The level of toxicity is reduced; side effects from chemotherapy are scarce even absent.

-Because there is less toxicity using IPT, treatments can be more often, up to 2 times per week.

-Another property of Insulin is that it promotes permeability in the cancerous cell membrane, so it opens up easily, making the ingestion of chemo swift and consumed entirely.
-With Insulin Potentiation Targeted Therapy, you will also get a detoxification program; substantial nutrients and immune boosters that will help restore and maintain the body’s natural defenses against other cancer agents.

-This procedure is very safe when administered by a trained IPT Physician, as Dr. Donato Perez Garcia. No reports of death or life threat have ever been reported.

-This protocol will leave you with more energy and vitality to heal and do the things you love.


Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) was invented in 1930 by a surgeon lieutenant of the Mexican military, Dr. Donato Pérez García, Sr. (1896-1971), as a remedy for chronic degenerative diseases. Insulin was first isolated from pancreatic tissue in Canada and used as a treatment for diabetes in early 1920's, years later in Europe and in the USA, insulin was used to produce coma for short periods in patients with schizophrenia in an attempt to cure them. Among other uses, was to treat some forms of malnutrition. So when Donato first learned about insulin's discovery he formulated an experiment on himself, in search of a cure for his lifelong severe gastrointestinal problems.

In 1926, a non-diabetic first injected himself with insulin, proving it was safe and efficient.  After a series of treatments, his symptoms disappeared; he recovered appetite and full health again. The idea was that insulin helped his body tissues assimilate nutrients more efficiently and pondered that could just as well work with medication. Insulin could increase drug concentration potency in the central nervous system, given before various medications, changing the physical and chemical reactions that occurred in the blood, restoring balance and maintaining a state of good health. And it did. In 1930, Dr. Donato successfully treated a patient with neurosyphilis using the name of Cellular Therapy, later known as IPT.

Five years later he applied for U.S. patent of the treatment, where it was granted in 1938. He traveled along the United States demonstrating his medical protocol, at Harvard University, Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., Naval Hospital in San Diego, California and Austin State Hospital in Texas where he treated patients. In Mexico City he opened up a clinic exclusively for IPT. In 1946 the first breast cancer patient was successfully treated.  Many other chronic degenerative illnesses also responded to this innovative breakthrough.
Later on, his son, Dr. Donato Pérez García Bellón (1930-2000) joined his father in the medical field, learning and perfecting the treatment. His clinical research was to measure chemical modifications produced in the blood after the administration of insulin, along with other chemical experiments and international publications that gave IPT full scientific ground. Together, father and son traveled to Canada, United States and Europe giving a series of conferences to medical societies.

After his father’s passing, Donato Pérez Bellón continued in his footsteps.

In 1974 he use the name "Donatian Therapy" to his adaptation of the treatment and these were the modifications he introduced:

1. A cleansing enema prior to the treatment using flax seed and leafs of senna boiled in water.
2. A nasal administration of oxygen during the procedure.
3. He developed some formulas of his own to treat some cancers and one was a vaginal insert to treat cervical cancer in which he mixed several substances. This vaginal insert was placed after the patient had emptied her bowels.
4. Even created a device that could diagnose cancer, called “El Oncodiagnosticador”.

He allied with Dr. Steven G. Ayre, and the M.D. Anderson, together promoted Insulin Potentiation Therapy in the United States, as well as training physicians worldwide.  Cases of Polio, Multiple sclerosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic infections, HIV/AIDS and other viral diseases where effectively treated with this protocol. But out of all, it was Cancer that he focused more, learning about improvements and adaptations, as new drugs were available.
Finally, the third generation of IPT came along with Dr. Donato Pérez García, who learned the protocol from his father. By December of 1982, he introduced the intravenous use of insulin to patients receiving the treatment. Later that month Dr. Donato implemented the first modification of the administration procedure and patients began with the new routine. By 1986 the name “Insulin Potentiation Therapy” was given by Dr. Ayre. Today the name of this therapy is “Insulin Potentiation Therapy + Targeted Low Dose” or IPTLD ® (a trademark) and it is comprised of a combination of the best-developed protocols. Thousands of patients treated by three Donato generations of medical doctors till this day.


Any one with a chronic illness, such as cancer, whatever stage. Insulin Potentiation Targeted Therapy is a safe procedure when administered by an experienced certified IPT trained doctor. In the vast majority of patients there are no side effects or complications. Treatments are usually every 7 days but for some cases 2 treatments per week can be administered. No cases of death while undergoing IPT have been reported.


It has been said that, when treating cancer, the cure is by far worse than the illness itself. If you’re a cancer patient and been thru several full dosage chemotherapy, you know what we’re talking about, if you’d had a friend or relative go thru this, you know what we’re talking about.
Very often patients relate chemotherapy with fear, if you’ve been there; you know how bad the side effects can be. Unfortunately, what people don’t know is that it’s not the chemo what makes it so dreadful, but rather the dosage.

Side effects of high dosage chemo include:
*Immune system decrease
*Gastrointestinal distress (nausea, vomit, diarrhea, constipation, malnutrition, dehydration, weight loss...).
*Tendency to bleed easily
*Partial/Full hair loss.

The list goes on and on and on...
Since 1942, there have been many chemotherapy drugs, most of them are derived from poisonous plant extracts, and they’re powerful agents that can kill human cells by the bunch. Unfortunately chemo itself makes no distinction between healthy and sick cells, it just kills cells. Because every human handles disease differently, same goes with medication. For some, high dose chemo is the answer, and has saved lives at a great cost of pain and discomfort, but many others cannot handle such strong medication, their bodies cannot take it and sadly die.

Some decades ago there was probably no other option, but today there is a better, smarter way to do chemo. Using Insulin Potentiation Targeted Therapy.
IPTLD uses insulin to target only cancer cells, help them open up their membrane to let all the medication inside the damaged cell using less than half the dosage of traditional chemo sessions, thus reducing even eliminating all the horrid side effects. That means more energy, less chemo less toxicity, gentler on your body; potent and precise on cancer cell annihilation. IPT will also provide detoxification, immune boosters and essential nutrients to strengthen your natural defenses against any other carcinogenic agents, helping your own body defend itself not just the chemo.


For more information on IPT and Dr. Donato Pérez García

You can visit our web sites:

Read our Blogs:
IPTLD for Cancer and Chronic Degenerative Diseases Treatment by Donato Perez Garcia, MD

IPTLD for Cancer & Chronic Degenerative Diseases

Dr Donato Perez Garcia




Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

Read the Biographic Novel of Donato Pérez García:
“Did Mr. Eo Confirm for treatment?” by Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

Contact Us:

We are located:
Medical Building Tower at Hospital Angeles Tijuana
Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #10999, Office 607
Zona Urbána Río, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010. México.

Office Phone number:
(you are welcome to call us during our business hours, when making the phone call consider that our local time is Pacific Standard Time or GMT-8).

From US: 011-52-(664)-635-1864
From US: 011-52-(664)-635-1834
U.S. Number: (619)-798-8017
U.S. Fax: (619)-330-1978

Office Business hours:

Monday thru Friday (Pacific Standard Time GMT-8)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm office is closed for lunch
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Saturdays (Pacific Standard Time GMT-8)
9:00 am – 1:00 pm



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